Vehicle accidents are one the most expensive ones of injury claims for businesses, due to The National Safety Council. The average cost of a loss related to a vehicle accident is nearly 2 times as much as the average workplace injury.
A commercial safety program for fleets can reduce the risk and improve driver safety. This is in case of several guidelines to be followed:
There must be written policies — Now there are certain policies that are not written down r enforces. The written method of policies will ensure consistency. Another important thing is that the drivers will know what is expected of them. These policies also should make clear that the company is creating these policies to protect both fleets and drivers.
A great way is to offer incentives for following the policies and why not apply consequences for breaking the rules.
Seatbelts are a vital part of any safety program too that should be included. A there should be a guideline for use of mobile devices and instructions for vehicle inspection checklists.
More Record Check and Training — Safe drivers are the guarantee of the fleet safety and driver’s record can reveal a lot about his future actions. So, it is important that there will be more record checks.
Some companies use MVR check and assume that the work is complete, but the MVR is not being checked annually. It’s vital to define which violations require some actions and which do not. For example, what if a historically safe driver gets a minor violation? What happens if it is a moving violation? Thinking through the possibilities and defining processes will help companies stay consistent with policy enforcement.
One of the best ways to improve driver safety is through a driver-training program. Which is required to be included in the safety program.
Driver agreements and discipline — After the drivers completed the training they should sign an agreement reporting that they agree with the company’s policies and everything that was covered in training.
The driver agreement should include a vehicle inspection requirement, with a specific process they must follow. A process also should be in place for road violation reporting so drivers know exactly what to do should the need arise.
This step should be under consideration as it concerns the safety of both fleets and drivers.